Part 8 - Enthusiast - Loving God through mystery and celebration

Feb 25, 2024    Danny Bennett

“Rhythms” exploring the sacred ways of worship. (Inspired by sacred pathways by Gary Thomas.)

There is a design, laid out by God at the beginning, that shows us how to live our lives to the fullest. How to walk the sacred paths of worship and relationship. How to integrate both physical and spiritual pursuits. How we can join our unique melody to the chorus of community that Jesus is building in this thing called The Church. Join us this year as we explore this design together in a new series called Rhythms. 

We'll explore 9 different ways we can embrace new life-giving rhythms of connection with God. Each pathway presents us with an opportunity to enhance current and also add new rhythms to our lives. We tend to gravitate toward one or more naturally but these are all Biblical and historical ways in our Christian tradition.